Modeling A-320 Flight over

Modeling A-320 Flight over

July 7, 2006 - 19:10 AMT  21:39 GMT
Professional discussion of Interstate Aviation Committee sub-commissions will be finished July 10.
Return of Territories out of Question before NKR Recognition

Return of Territories out of Question before NKR Recognition

July 7, 2006 - 17:28 AMT  21:39 GMT
Seyran Ohanyan: Territories controlled by Nagorno Karabakh are not end in itself, but serve as security zone.
Afshar Suleymani: OSCE MG Co-Chair States Try to Push Their Own Interests

Afshar Suleymani: OSCE MG Co-Chair States Try to Push Their Own Interests

July 7, 2006 - 17:24 AMT  21:39 GMT
The problem of Nagorno Karabakh was transformed in a core of interests of certain circles, the Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan considers.
Armenian President Congratulated U.S. Embassy Employees on Independence Day

Armenian President Congratulated U.S. Embassy Employees on Independence Day

July 7, 2006 - 16:56 AMT  21:39 GMT
Robert Kocharian voiced hope that the close Armenian-American ties will keep on developing.
Azeri People Little Informed of Karabakh Life

Azeri People Little Informed of Karabakh Life

July 7, 2006 - 16:50 AMT  21:39 GMT
Thomas de Waal: No single power can prohibit reporters from free trips.
Vladimir Putin Concerned over Racism Manifestation in Russia

Vladimir Putin Concerned over Racism Manifestation in Russia

July 7, 2006 - 16:39 AMT  21:39 GMT
These problems should be settled consistently at the legislative level and with the assistance of the law enforcement bodies.
Bryza: Territorial Integrity and Self-Determination Principles Do Not Conflict

Bryza: Territorial Integrity and Self-Determination Principles Do Not Conflict

July 7, 2006 - 16:25 AMT  21:39 GMT
The statement issued by the OSCE Minsk Group does not mean that the talks reached a deadlock.
Serge Sargsyan and Bryan Ardouny Discussed Armenia-U.S. Cooperation

Serge Sargsyan and Bryan Ardouny Discussed Armenia-U.S. Cooperation

July 7, 2006 - 15:53 AMT  21:39 GMT
Bryan Ardouny briefed to Serge Sargsyan on the AAA activities and processes in the U.S. referring to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.
A-320 Crash Investigation Results to Be Announced in Near Future

A-320 Crash Investigation Results to Be Announced in Near Future

July 7, 2006 - 15:43 AMT  21:39 GMT
Igor Levitin: the last minutes of the A-320 flight were modeled in Toulouse.
Azerbaijan Wants Karabakh without Armenians

Azerbaijan Wants Karabakh without Armenians

July 7, 2006 - 14:49 AMT  21:39 GMT
Mubariz Ahmedoglu: a part of the Azeri public sees the OSCE MG latest statement on Nagorno Karabakh in tragic light.