Diplomatic Relations Established between Armenia and Namibia

Diplomatic Relations Established between Armenia and Namibia

October 2, 2006 - 19:51 AMT  06:25 GMT
A respective communiqué was signed by Armenian Ambassador in Russia Armen Smbatyan and Namibian Ambassador in Russia Samuel Mbambo.
Semneby: European Identity May Unite Caucasus

Semneby: European Identity May Unite Caucasus

October 2, 2006 - 19:30 AMT  06:25 GMT
«The role of Russia in the region should not be belittled, it has its problems in the Caucasus,» Peter Semneby believes.
Conflicts Like Karabakh Can Be Solved by Talks Exclusively

Conflicts Like Karabakh Can Be Solved by Talks Exclusively

October 2, 2006 - 19:21 AMT  06:25 GMT
Armenia is considering the EU Action Plan as a new opportunity to implement purposeful and coordinated reforms.
EU Can Serve as Settlement Model in Conflict Regions

EU Can Serve as Settlement Model in Conflict Regions

October 2, 2006 - 19:00 AMT  06:25 GMT
Peter Semneby: Europe can play a more evident and stabilizing role, as it enjoys the trust of all countries of the South Caucasus.
NATO Not Competing with Russia in South Caucasus

NATO Not Competing with Russia in South Caucasus

October 2, 2006 - 18:44 AMT  06:25 GMT
Anthony Godfrey: Being NATO member not compulsory for participation in various programs, like PfP or IPAP.
EU-Armenia Action Plan to Make Political and Economic System of RA Closer to Europe

EU-Armenia Action Plan to Make Political and Economic System of RA Closer to Europe

October 2, 2006 - 18:30 AMT  06:25 GMT
Once the EU-Armenia Action Plan within the ENP is signed, we'll be able to publicly present the entire document, Oskanian said.
Azerbaijan Major Goal to Isolate Armenia

Azerbaijan Major Goal to Isolate Armenia

October 2, 2006 - 18:13 AMT  06:25 GMT
Arman Kirakosyan: Participation in the ENP will help overcome conflicts and differences in the region.
Armenia Not Ready to Speak of Full EU Membership Yet

Armenia Not Ready to Speak of Full EU Membership Yet

October 2, 2006 - 18:08 AMT  06:25 GMT
Oskanian: Our task is to maximally implement the ENP.
EU Ready to Assist Russia and Georgia to Solve Conflict

EU Ready to Assist Russia and Georgia to Solve Conflict

October 2, 2006 - 17:43 AMT  06:25 GMT
EU Troika delegation leaves Yerevan for Tbilisi October 2 and will try to deal with the situation between Russia and Georgia on the spot.
Armenian FM: Armenia Ready to Cooperate with All Countries in Region

Armenian FM: Armenia Ready to Cooperate with All Countries in Region

October 2, 2006 - 17:16 AMT  06:25 GMT
There is an opportunity for the OSCE MG to open «window of hope,» Erkki Tuomioja said.