EU Not Going to Interfere in Russian-Georgian Conflict

EU Not Going to Interfere in Russian-Georgian Conflict

October 13, 2006 - 19:27 AMT  11:43 GMT
Peter Semneby: EU fears that the conflict may "spread throughout the region."
Every Week Turkey Will Include a French Company in Black-List

Every Week Turkey Will Include a French Company in Black-List

October 13, 2006 - 19:22 AMT  11:43 GMT
The Turkish Union of Consumers declared a limited boycott on French products.
French Bill on Armenian Genocide Being Widely Commented in World Media

French Bill on Armenian Genocide Being Widely Commented in World Media

October 13, 2006 - 19:06 AMT  11:43 GMT
The Washington Post: the complex relationship between Turkey and Europe played out Thursday in two European capitals.
Kommersant Daily: France May Be Expelled from CoE for Armenian Genocide Bill

Kommersant Daily: France May Be Expelled from CoE for Armenian Genocide Bill

October 13, 2006 - 18:49 AMT  11:43 GMT
If the bill penalizing the Armenian Genocide denial is finally adopted France runs a risk to receive a suit from the European Court of Human Rights.
Public Discussion of NKR Constitution Starting in Stepanakert

Public Discussion of NKR Constitution Starting in Stepanakert

October 13, 2006 - 18:28 AMT  11:43 GMT
October 12 the draft Constitution was published in Azat Artsakh republican newspaper with a circulation of several thousands of copies.
Adoption of Armenian Genocide Bill Will Change Many Things for France

Adoption of Armenian Genocide Bill Will Change Many Things for France

October 13, 2006 - 18:14 AMT  11:43 GMT
"Initiative of France to turn a historical lie into a law is a big challenge against EU`s fundamental values," the Turkish Prime Minister said.
Turkey Proud of Pamuk Who Recently Stood Trial for Statements on Genocide

Turkey Proud of Pamuk Who Recently Stood Trial for Statements on Genocide

October 13, 2006 - 18:05 AMT  11:43 GMT
The Turkish public has for a long time waited to see a Turkish writer awarded with Novel Prize, says the statement of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.
Adoption of Armenian Genocide Bill in France - Correct Step by Good Friend

Adoption of Armenian Genocide Bill in France - Correct Step by Good Friend

October 13, 2006 - 17:33 AMT  11:43 GMT
"If we do not condemn genocides we will have to face this evil in future," Artur Baghdassarian said.
Baku Police Dispersed Picket at French Embassy in Azerbaijan

Baku Police Dispersed Picket at French Embassy in Azerbaijan

October 13, 2006 - 17:16 AMT  11:43 GMT
The action participants called upon the Azeri authorities to break all economic ties with France.
French Bill on Genocide Not to Influence on Process of Turkey's Accession to EU

French Bill on Genocide Not to Influence on Process of Turkey's Accession to EU

October 13, 2006 - 16:20 AMT  11:43 GMT
"One thing is if something happens in France but it's quite another matter what the EU can undertake as regards an aspirant state," the EU Commissioner said.