Putin: Russia on Shameful Third Place on Investment into Armenian Economy

Putin: Russia on Shameful Third Place on Investment into Armenian Economy

October 30, 2006 - 18:23 AMT  02:27 GMT
Armenian and Russian Presidents Met in the Kremlin.
Ghoukassian Hopes for Karabakh Participation in Talks Be Possible Soon

Ghoukassian Hopes for Karabakh Participation in Talks Be Possible Soon

October 30, 2006 - 18:10 AMT  02:27 GMT
«We noted many times that the issue cannot be solved without NKR participation,» the NKR President said.
NKR MFA: Premature to Assess Oskanian-Mammadyarov Meeting

NKR MFA: Premature to Assess Oskanian-Mammadyarov Meeting

October 30, 2006 - 17:36 AMT  02:27 GMT
Premature revelation of the details of their recent meeting would be incorrect, Georgy Petrosian said.
Russia Can Make Any Move to Prevent Georgia from Joining NATO

Russia Can Make Any Move to Prevent Georgia from Joining NATO

October 30, 2006 - 17:23 AMT  02:27 GMT
"NATO will never accept Georgia, which is in state of war with its northern neighbor," the Russian analyst considers.
Refugee Issue Should Be Considered Proceeding from Reality

Refugee Issue Should Be Considered Proceeding from Reality

October 30, 2006 - 17:18 AMT  02:27 GMT
Nagorno Karabakh's condition is beneficial as compared to the other unrecognized states.
Turkey's Joining EU Unreal in Foreseeable Future

Turkey's Joining EU Unreal in Foreseeable Future

October 30, 2006 - 16:53 AMT  02:27 GMT
Alexander Skakov: Turkey insists on its own policy proceeding from its national interests but not the European solidarity.
Yerevan-Baku Dialogue Not Exhausted

Yerevan-Baku Dialogue Not Exhausted

October 30, 2006 - 16:41 AMT  02:27 GMT
Alexander Skakov: Any meetings and talks - are already boon even if they bring no result.
Unfreezing of Karabakh Conflict Inevitable

Unfreezing of Karabakh Conflict Inevitable

October 30, 2006 - 16:31 AMT  02:27 GMT
The current stability and maintenance of status-quo is undesirable for Georgia, Azerbaijan, the U.S. and the European Union bit on the contrary is convenient for Armenia, Russia, Iran and Turkey.
Armenai Going to Conclude Readmission Agreements with 10 EU Countries

Armenai Going to Conclude Readmission Agreements with 10 EU Countries

October 30, 2006 - 16:25 AMT  02:27 GMT
Concluding agrements of this type is a necessity, Gagik Yeganyan said.
Kocharian to Pay Official Visit to Kazakhstan November 6-7

Kocharian to Pay Official Visit to Kazakhstan November 6-7

October 30, 2006 - 15:19 AMT  02:27 GMT
November 5-6 Kazakh-Armenian Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation will hold its second meeting.