Alexander Iskandaryan:

Bullets shot at Hrant Dink were aimed at Liberal Turkey

February 1, 2007
Alexander Iskandaryan
Turkey itself, alleged changes in that country, investigation over Hrant Dink's murder, as before, are at the center of attention of the world community. More and more voices both in Turkey itself and moreover, outside of it demand to cancel the 301st article of the Turkish Penal Code. Director of Caucasian Media Institute, political scientist Alexander Iskandaryan told the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist what we should expect from Turkey's way to Europe.

Arpi Vartanian:

AAA hopeful one of U.S. future Presidents will recognize Armenian Genocide

January 26, 2007
Arpi Vartanian
The Armenian Genocide resolution will be submitted to the U.S. Congress January 30. The Armenian Assembly of America (AAA), one of the most influential lobbying organizations, carried out a great deal of work to promote the resolution. Arpi Vartanian, the AAA Regional Director for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh comments to PanARMENIAN.Net on the Armenian Genocide recognition issue and Hrant Dink's assassination.