With Armenian Genocide bill France reminded where cradle of democracy is

With Armenian Genocide bill France reminded where cradle of democracy is

February 6, 2007 - 16:35 AMT  13:18 GMT
Karen Bekarian: Armenian Genocide issue is being touched when a certain country wants to push forward its interests and it is not very good for Armenia.
Karen Bekarian: For Turkey EU membership is more difficult than for Armenia

Karen Bekarian: For Turkey EU membership is more difficult than for Armenia

February 6, 2007 - 16:23 AMT  13:18 GMT
"A tiny mono-ethnic nation like Armenia has more chances for European integration, than a large country," says Karen Bekarian.
Armenia-EU Action Plan is policy of real way to European integration

Armenia-EU Action Plan is policy of real way to European integration

February 6, 2007 - 16:19 AMT  13:18 GMT
Karen Bekarian: The EU Action Plan in the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy on any account does not suppose compulsory EU membership at the end.
Germany calls upon Turkey to immediately cancel 301st article

Germany calls upon Turkey to immediately cancel 301st article

February 6, 2007 - 15:57 AMT  13:18 GMT
Eckart Cuntz: Hrant Dink's assassination gives a chance to improve relations between Turkey and Armenia, which must not be missed.
ANCA calls for US leadership in ending cycle of Genocide

ANCA calls for US leadership in ending cycle of Genocide

February 6, 2007 - 15:20 AMT  13:18 GMT
Aram Hamparian: Today, as we witness the genocide unfolding in Darfur, it has become increasingly clear that the failure of the international community, over the course of the past century, to confront and punish genocide has created an environment of impunity.
Date of launching Iran-Armenia gas pipeline to be determined this week

Date of launching Iran-Armenia gas pipeline to be determined this week

February 6, 2007 - 15:15 AMT  13:18 GMT
In a year or two Iran-Armenia gas pipeline will become an issue of energy security of Armenia, stated the RA minister of energy.
Polish foreign minister's visit to Armenia scheduled for the end of February

Polish foreign minister's visit to Armenia scheduled for the end of February

February 6, 2007 - 14:46 AMT  13:18 GMT
Vladimir Karapetian: During Anna Fotyga's visit to Armenia discussions over cooperation between Armenia and Poland in the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy program are scheduled.
Dink's assassination: Chief of Istanbul police intelligence removed from his post

Dink's assassination: Chief of Istanbul police intelligence removed from his post

February 6, 2007 - 14:31 AMT  13:18 GMT
Ahmed Ilhan Guler is blamed for not giving information to his command about possible attack on Hrant Dink.
Bill on Armenian Genocide: Turkey relies on European lobby of USA

Bill on Armenian Genocide: Turkey relies on European lobby of USA

February 6, 2007 - 14:00 AMT  13:18 GMT
European organizations fear that in case of adopting a resolution on the Armenian Genocide the United States will be deprived of military base in Incirlik.
White House again proposes breaking in Armenia-Azerbaijan military assistance

White House again proposes breaking in Armenia-Azerbaijan military assistance

February 6, 2007 - 13:56 AMT  13:18 GMT
The White House administration proposes 38% less in U.S. military aid for Armenia than for Azerbaijan in its FY2008 federal budget.