Governor of California: I have repeatedly recognized Armenian Genocide

Governor of California: I have repeatedly recognized Armenian Genocide

April 23, 2007 - 20:48 AMT  10:44 GMT
The week of April 22nd through April 29th is proclaimed as "Days of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide" in California.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: Armenians enrich diverse history and culture of California

Arnold Schwarzenegger: Armenians enrich diverse history and culture of California

April 23, 2007 - 20:44 AMT  10:44 GMT
California is home to nearly one million Armenians.
First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin died

First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin died

April 23, 2007 - 20:01 AMT  10:44 GMT
Boris Yeltsin was 76 years old.
Office of General Prosecutor of Armenia closed criminal case over A-320 air catastrophe

Office of General Prosecutor of Armenia closed criminal case over A-320 air catastrophe

April 23, 2007 - 18:38 AMT  10:44 GMT
The criminal case has been closed in accordance with Article 35, point 1 of Armenian Penal Code (because of the death of guilty person).
Strengthening of both Armenian states is the best monument to victims of Armenian Genocide

Strengthening of both Armenian states is the best monument to victims of Armenian Genocide

April 23, 2007 - 18:17 AMT  10:44 GMT
Armenian Parliament Speaker Tigran Torosyan has addressed the Armenian nation in connection with April 24, the 92nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Suspects in Malatya murders appear before court

Suspects in Malatya murders appear before court

April 23, 2007 - 17:51 AMT  10:44 GMT
They were expected to be questioned by a prosecutor and then appear before a judge, who may either charge and jail them pending trial, or order their release.
The Los Angeles Times: President Bush will not utter the word

The Los Angeles Times: President Bush will not utter the word "genocide" on April 24

April 23, 2007 - 17:28 AMT  10:44 GMT
"Forgetting of the first genocide is the first step in enabling future genocides," The Los Angeles Times reports.
A torch procession to Genocide Memorial to take place in Yerevan today

A torch procession to Genocide Memorial to take place in Yerevan today

April 23, 2007 - 17:01 AMT  10:44 GMT
The rally will start from Liberty Square at 8:00 p.m.
Memory about Genocide - no matter recognized or not - must become warning for all

Memory about Genocide - no matter recognized or not - must become warning for all

April 23, 2007 - 16:53 AMT  10:44 GMT
Armenians of Irkutsk will commemorate the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
Vandals desecrated Armenian chapel of Kiev

Vandals desecrated Armenian chapel of Kiev

April 23, 2007 - 16:40 AMT  10:44 GMT
The chapel was desecrated several hours after its inauguration.