Matthew Bryza: There will be no changes in U.S. State Department's report

Matthew Bryza: There will be no changes in U.S. State Department's report

April 26, 2007 - 20:23 AMT  12:59 GMT
"An additional tension in this situation may influence on the process of negotiations," the American diplomat stated.
RA MFA: Anyway U.S. State Department acknowledged its mistake

RA MFA: Anyway U.S. State Department acknowledged its mistake

April 26, 2007 - 20:12 AMT  12:59 GMT
Vladimir Karapetyan: From the very beginning the approach to the changes in U.S. State Department's report was not serious. Never mind, they will change it one more time.
European Union's Charge d'affairs in Armenia appointed

European Union's Charge d'affairs in Armenia appointed

April 26, 2007 - 19:58 AMT  12:59 GMT
The European Union appointed Raul de Lutzenberger as EU's Charge d'affairs in Armenia.

"Joint Tendency - 2007" maneuvers launch in Armenia April 27

April 26, 2007 - 19:22 AMT  12:59 GMT
Delegations from Croatia, France, Russia, Georgia and the United States arrive in Armenia to participate in maneuvers.
Ara Abramian sent letter to UN Sec. Gen. in connection with exhibition on Rwandan Genocide

Ara Abramian sent letter to UN Sec. Gen. in connection with exhibition on Rwandan Genocide

April 26, 2007 - 17:45 AMT  12:59 GMT
Ara Abramian: Using its whole moral authority, by all means the United Nations must assist this exclusively important activity in its various forms.
Changes in State Department's report indicate still U.S. does not have clear stance on Karabakh

Changes in State Department's report indicate still U.S. does not have clear stance on Karabakh

April 26, 2007 - 17:08 AMT  12:59 GMT
Stepan Grigoryan: Currently Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia are constantly changing their stance on the Karabakh settlement principles.
U.S. Senate prepared bill over banning

U.S. Senate prepared bill over banning "gas OPEC"

April 26, 2007 - 17:00 AMT  12:59 GMT
Mikhail Kaminin: It is not the first time when the United States tries to extend power of its laws outside his national territory.
Putin offered to declare moratorium on Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty

Putin offered to declare moratorium on Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty

April 26, 2007 - 16:23 AMT  12:59 GMT
"The moratorium will continue until all NATO countries have ratified and started to strictly implement it as in fact Russia does today unilaterally," Russian President stated.
U.S. House of Representatives passes Iraq withdrawal timetable

U.S. House of Representatives passes Iraq withdrawal timetable

April 26, 2007 - 16:07 AMT  12:59 GMT
President Bush has repeatedly vowed to veto any appropriations measure that contains a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq.
Armenian Genocide: Canadian Premier does not cave in Turkey's blackmail

Armenian Genocide: Canadian Premier does not cave in Turkey's blackmail

April 26, 2007 - 15:35 AMT  12:59 GMT
"Steven Harper stood firm to his principled stand vis-a-vis the Armenian Genocide issue," head of ANCC Aris Babikian said.