Declaration on recognizing Armenian Genocide introduced to Bulgarian Parliament

Declaration on recognizing Armenian Genocide introduced to Bulgarian Parliament

April 26, 2007 - 15:29 AMT  11:36 GMT
Currently initiators are collecting signatures for including the issue of adopting declaration of the Armenian and Bulgarian genocide in the agenda.
Karabakh: Change of State Department's report becomes habit

Karabakh: Change of State Department's report becomes habit

April 26, 2007 - 15:23 AMT  11:36 GMT
Matthew Bryza: "If we, like in the draft report, mistakably state that Armenia has occupied Karabakh, this very statement as if will predetermine results of talks over the status."
Merzlyakov: Oskanian-Mamedyarov next meeting may be held either in May or later

Merzlyakov: Oskanian-Mamedyarov next meeting may be held either in May or later

April 26, 2007 - 15:14 AMT  11:36 GMT
The OSCE MG Co-Chairs are planning to visit Madrid on May 10 to meet with OSCE Chairman-in-Office.
Commemorative events on Armenian Genocide anniversary held in British Parliament

Commemorative events on Armenian Genocide anniversary held in British Parliament

April 26, 2007 - 14:54 AMT  11:36 GMT
On the Armenian Genocide Day 24th April 2007, Parliamentarians, Armenians and supporters gathered for a commemorative service in the Houses of Parliament Church (St Mary's-under-Croft) and also for a major international conference in the Grand Committee room of the House of Commons.
Vartan Oskanian and Peter Semneby discussed results of Belgrade talks over Karabakh

Vartan Oskanian and Peter Semneby discussed results of Belgrade talks over Karabakh

April 26, 2007 - 14:24 AMT  11:36 GMT
The EU Special Representative called on the Armenian authorities to do everything possible for holding fair elections.

After exterminating the Armenians the Turks were going to do the same with the Kurds and Arabs

April 25, 2007 - 16:42 AMT  11:36 GMT
The whole story with the recognition of the Armenian Genocide started right after the world learned about the slaughter. Already in 1916 the governments of the USA and of some European countries called the Ottoman Turkey to account for the committed. The first American President, who officially recognized the Armenian Genocide, was Woodrow Wilson. Unfortunately that was all about it. All the other presidents of the United States avoid the word "genocide", although such a mass murder is indeed a massacre, especially being so carefully worked out.