Vartan Oskanian to meet OSCE MG Co-Chairs July 10

Vartan Oskanian to meet OSCE MG Co-Chairs July 10

July 9, 2007 - 19:51 AMT  02:22 GMT
Last time OSCE MG Co-Chairs met with RA FM on June 9, before the meeting between presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan in St. Petersburg.
High technologies needed for further development of Armenia's economy

High technologies needed for further development of Armenia's economy

July 9, 2007 - 19:38 AMT  02:22 GMT
Vartan Oskanian: It is necessary to use those technologies in social sphere, including education and healthcare.
Turkish opposition party says Erdogan is going to pass Erzerum to Armenia

Turkish opposition party says Erdogan is going to pass Erzerum to Armenia

July 9, 2007 - 18:18 AMT  02:22 GMT
Erbaşar Özsoy: Erdogan is one of the co-chairs of the so-called "Great Middle East" project, according to which Erzerum is part of Armenia.
Sergey Lavrov: Russia's stance on Kosovo proceeds from international law

Sergey Lavrov: Russia's stance on Kosovo proceeds from international law

July 9, 2007 - 17:39 AMT  02:22 GMT
The solution on Kosovo's status must satisfy all parties, any other solution cannot pass through the Security Council.
EU-Turkey Commission: Anyone, who is involved in Hrant Dink's murder, must be punished

EU-Turkey Commission: Anyone, who is involved in Hrant Dink's murder, must be punished

July 9, 2007 - 17:19 AMT  02:22 GMT
Cem Özdemir: All facts concerning this assassination, including possible involvement of officials, have to be brought into the light of day.
Islamic extremism is the major problem for Europe

Islamic extremism is the major problem for Europe

July 9, 2007 - 16:24 AMT  02:22 GMT
Angela Merkel called Iran 'enemy to democracy'.
U.S. government is against military operations by Turkey in Iraq

U.S. government is against military operations by Turkey in Iraq

July 9, 2007 - 16:01 AMT  02:22 GMT
"We are sure that Turkey, Iraq and the USA need to cooperate with each in other to eliminate the terror threat from PKK," Matthew Bryza stated.
As partner for Armenia and Turkey, USA calls on two sides to normalize relations

As partner for Armenia and Turkey, USA calls on two sides to normalize relations

July 9, 2007 - 15:46 AMT  02:22 GMT
"The USA is not going to participate in the construction of the Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway," Bryza stated.
USA calls on Yerevan and Baku to display political will for pushing ahead talks on Karabakh

USA calls on Yerevan and Baku to display political will for pushing ahead talks on Karabakh

July 9, 2007 - 15:43 AMT  02:22 GMT
Matthew Bryza: The sides of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict have fixed a significant progress during recent three years.
Turkish Daily News on Armenian Genocide bill: Troubles threaten Turkey

Turkish Daily News on Armenian Genocide bill: Troubles threaten Turkey

July 9, 2007 - 15:24 AMT  02:22 GMT
Obtaining the support of 218 lawmakers does not automatically enable the Armenians to force a House floor vote for the resolution, but means the overcoming of a psychological threshold.