Second round of talks on Iraq opens in Istanbul November 3

Second round of talks on Iraq opens in Istanbul November 3

November 3, 2007 - 15:41 AMT  03:16 GMT
"It's not in our capacity" to capture the rebels, Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said. "It's not even in the capacity of Turkey."
Unveiling of monument to Armenian Genocide victims due in Cardiff today

Unveiling of monument to Armenian Genocide victims due in Cardiff today

November 3, 2007 - 15:17 AMT  03:16 GMT
This is the first time a plot of land has been allocated in a public area within the UK for a memorial to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
Armenian President to depart for Finland on formal visit

Armenian President to depart for Finland on formal visit

November 3, 2007 - 15:07 AMT  03:16 GMT
Robert Kocharian will hold a tête-à-tête meeting Tarja Halonen, then the talks will continue in expanded composition.
Armenian presidential contenders are not pro-Russian or pro-Western but pro-Armenian

Armenian presidential contenders are not pro-Russian or pro-Western but pro-Armenian

November 3, 2007 - 14:10 AMT  03:16 GMT
Konstantin Zatulin: Russia is interested in a staid election process.
Zatulin: one should be too naïve to suppose that Armenia will recognize GUAM peacekeeping contingent

Zatulin: one should be too naïve to suppose that Armenia will recognize GUAM peacekeeping contingent

November 3, 2007 - 14:01 AMT  03:16 GMT
"I do not think Nagorno Karabakh will agree to exchange agreement for GUAM peacekeeping forces.
Disappointment in Saakashvili regime growing, Russian expert says

Disappointment in Saakashvili regime growing, Russian expert says

November 3, 2007 - 13:28 AMT  03:16 GMT
Alexander Skakov: Georgia has advanced in authoritarianism deeper than Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Konstantin Zatulin: Yerevan's position on Karabakh conflict will remain unchangeable

Konstantin Zatulin: Yerevan's position on Karabakh conflict will remain unchangeable

November 3, 2007 - 13:14 AMT  03:16 GMT
"Any political figure in Armenia who dares to speak out for surrender of territories will have to commit a political hara-kiri," Zatulin said.

Saakashvili may suffer the same lot as Gamsakhurdia and Shevarnadze

November 1, 2007 - 19:54 AMT  03:16 GMT
On November 2 in front of the Parliament on Rustaveli Avenue in Tbilisi a meeting is going to be held, where the opponents of the current President promise to gather up to 100.000 people. The demonstration is anticipated to be the biggest one ever in the modern history of Georgia, and of no less significance than the "Revolution of Roses". Scandalous announcements made by the former Minister of Defense Irakli Okruashvili, who has accused his former brother-in-arms of all deadly sins, gave a stir among all those people who are not happy with Saakashvili and his policy.