Olli Rehn: article 301 poisoning Turkey's relations with Armenia

Olli Rehn: article 301 poisoning Turkey's relations with Armenia

December 25, 2007 - 18:07 AMT  01:14 GMT
The Turkish Justice Ministry will hand the draft amendment to article 301 of the Penal Code, which makes it an offence to "insult Turkishness", to the cabinet within 15 days.
ICG: there is real opportunity to prevent war in Karabakh

ICG: there is real opportunity to prevent war in Karabakh

December 25, 2007 - 17:39 AMT  01:14 GMT
Sabine Freizer: if the Minsk Group could get the parties to commit to a document on basic principles, it would be a very valuable achievement.
International consortium may build new NPP in Armenia

International consortium may build new NPP in Armenia

December 25, 2007 - 17:26 AMT  01:14 GMT
During recent 5 years the international community became more optimistic about construction of a new nuclear power plant in Armenia.
Alexander Yakovenko: potential for Kosovo resolution not exhausted

Alexander Yakovenko: potential for Kosovo resolution not exhausted

December 25, 2007 - 16:46 AMT  01:14 GMT
The main result of the UN Security Council's work on Kosovo is prevention of resolution proposed by Europe.
Catholicos of All Armenians calls for regional peace and stability

Catholicos of All Armenians calls for regional peace and stability

December 25, 2007 - 16:11 AMT  01:14 GMT
Participation of all religious leaders in a political settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is significant, His Holiness Garegin II said.
Bryza hopes for gentlemen agreement on Karabakh before Armenian presidential election

Bryza hopes for gentlemen agreement on Karabakh before Armenian presidential election

December 25, 2007 - 15:32 AMT  01:14 GMT
The fundamental principles proposed to Yerevan and Baku in Madrid can be described as the result of talks held during recent three years.
Armenia can launch uranium output within 2-5 years

Armenia can launch uranium output within 2-5 years

December 25, 2007 - 14:47 AMT  01:14 GMT
Uranium enrichment in Armenia is expedient from the economic standpoint, since there are no major commercial pools in the republic.
Armenian and Azeri futsal teams to meet February 28

Armenian and Azeri futsal teams to meet February 28

December 25, 2007 - 14:35 AMT  01:14 GMT
On February 29 the Armenian team will play with Czechia; on March 2 a game with the Finnish team is scheduled.
Iraqi Kurds warn Turkey to halt strikes

Iraqi Kurds warn Turkey to halt strikes

December 25, 2007 - 14:16 AMT  01:14 GMT
Jalal Talabani: our government had lodged a formal complaint with Turkey - but that we do not want to worsen tensions over the issue.

Is agreement between Armenia and Turkey possible?

December 22, 2007 - 16:16 AMT  01:14 GMT
In the light of the negotiations about Turkey's integration into the EU, the issue of the Armenian-Turkish relations, which over the last 18 years haven't gone any better, gets more significance. The unwillingness to normalize the relations is mutual: neither Armenia, nor Turkey need to open the borders, which are not clarified yet. The Kars and Lausanne Treaties, which set the borders between the two countries, are not denounced yet, though the official Ankara thinks that with the USSR breakdown no one ever thinks of them any longer.