Dov Lynch never drew parallels between Kosovo and Karabakh

Dov Lynch never drew parallels between Kosovo and Karabakh

March 10, 2008 - 18:46 AMT  02:06 GMT
The Azeri media distorted statements by the senior adviser to the OSCE's Secretary General.
Putin called to use political tools to resolve Armenian crisis

Putin called to use political tools to resolve Armenian crisis

March 10, 2008 - 17:03 AMT  02:06 GMT
The RF President once again congratulated Serzh Sargsyan on election President of Armenia and invited him to Moscow.
59 men imputed participation in Yerevan disorders

59 men imputed participation in Yerevan disorders

March 10, 2008 - 16:52 AMT  02:06 GMT
Investigation is underway to detect the other accomplices in the riots.
Swedish MFA: Kosovo can join EU bypassing UN

Swedish MFA: Kosovo can join EU bypassing UN

March 10, 2008 - 15:31 AMT  02:06 GMT
Carl Bildt: there will not be recognition by Russia, China and some other states.
Turkish police foiled alleged plot to bomb U.S. companies

Turkish police foiled alleged plot to bomb U.S. companies

March 10, 2008 - 15:27 AMT  02:06 GMT
Police also seized a list of U.S. companies that the DHKP-C group was targeting, including Coca Cola, Pepsi and Citibank.
Greece supports Turkey's bid for EU

Greece supports Turkey's bid for EU

March 10, 2008 - 14:59 AMT  02:06 GMT
Dora Bakoyannis: becoming an EU member, Turkey will bring stability and development to the entire region.
RA MOD delegation to participate in Armenia-NATO military-political committee session

RA MOD delegation to participate in Armenia-NATO military-political committee session

March 10, 2008 - 14:37 AMT  02:06 GMT
The Armenian delegation and representatives of NATO member states will discuss the resulting report on Planning and Revision Process.
Kosovo independence encourages post-soviet formations

Kosovo independence encourages post-soviet formations

March 10, 2008 - 14:28 AMT  02:06 GMT
Sergei Markedonov: existence of a "protocol of Baku's wise men" on offensive against Karabakh in view of domestic crisis in Armenia seems rather doubtful.
OSCE/ODIHR third interim report reaffirms assessment of Armenian presidential election

OSCE/ODIHR third interim report reaffirms assessment of Armenian presidential election

March 10, 2008 - 14:22 AMT  02:06 GMT
RA MFA: the ODIHR Election Observation Mission's assessment that the February 19 Presidential election "was administered mostly in line with OSCE and Council of Europe commitments and standards."
Kazimirov: no constructive proposals on Karabakh conflict

Kazimirov: no constructive proposals on Karabakh conflict

March 10, 2008 - 13:40 AMT  02:06 GMT
"If either of the parties is not satisfied with the agreement, it might be amended or replaced by a new one," the Russian diplomat said.