U.S: it's time for Yerevan and Baku to coordinate Karabakh principles

U.S: it's time for Yerevan and Baku to coordinate Karabakh principles

March 31, 2008 - 14:23 AMT  16:31 GMT
"It's time to make headway in coordination of Basic Principles," Bryza said.
Baku going to take action to

Baku going to take action to "liberate territories"?

March 31, 2008 - 13:04 AMT  16:31 GMT
"Liberation of our lands from occupation is our civil and national duty and our right," said Azeri MOD spokesman.

Europe seriously fears "Balkanization" of the continent

March 29, 2008 - 17:44 AMT  16:31 GMT
It seems that the US President George Bush has decided to resolve all the conflicts during his last days of Presidency. These intentions concern all the conflicts around the world, where the USA directly or indirectly has its share of "responsibility". And if the Kosovo conflict is chronologically one of the latest ones, the Near-Eastern conflict is already 60 years old, and the conflicts in the post-Soviet area are 20 years old.