Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia and Turkey should not be permanent rivals

Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia and Turkey should not be permanent rivals

July 9, 2008 - 19:36 AMT  06:27 GMT
As president of Armenia, I take this opportunity to propose a fresh start - a new phase of dialogue with the government and people of Turkey, with the goal of normalizing relations and opening our common border, Mr Sargsyan said.
CSTO Defense Ministers to meet in Yerevan August 21

CSTO Defense Ministers to meet in Yerevan August 21

July 9, 2008 - 18:37 AMT  06:27 GMT
On August 22, the Defense Ministers are expected to attend the final stage of Rubezh 2008 exercise.
OSCE monitoring due at Armenian-Azeri border July 10

OSCE monitoring due at Armenian-Azeri border July 10

July 9, 2008 - 18:29 AMT  06:27 GMT
The monitoring will be held within the mandate of Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office.
Iran can use Georgia's vulnerability if Saakashvili continues pushing pro-West policy

Iran can use Georgia's vulnerability if Saakashvili continues pushing pro-West policy

July 9, 2008 - 17:02 AMT  06:27 GMT
Eduard Abrahamyan: with Mikhail Saakashvili coming to power, Tbilisi and Tehran have experienced various political and diplomatic problems.
Turkey agrees to attend Mediterranean union launch

Turkey agrees to attend Mediterranean union launch

July 9, 2008 - 16:44 AMT  06:27 GMT
Sarkozy announced the union as one of his flagship ideas after winning election last year, saying it would bring together the Mediterranean's diverse nations in a European-style institution.
UK Foreign Secretary: in some 10 years Turkey should be inside EU acting as bridge to Muslim world

UK Foreign Secretary: in some 10 years Turkey should be inside EU acting as bridge to Muslim world

July 9, 2008 - 15:58 AMT  06:27 GMT
We should be able to look back at normalizing the Balkans in 10 years time, David Miliband said.
Armenian Genocide international recognition will ensure security and future of Armenian nation

Armenian Genocide international recognition will ensure security and future of Armenian nation

July 9, 2008 - 15:46 AMT  06:27 GMT
Members of AFRD Bureau are confident that all Armenian high-ranking officials are unanimous about the issue.
Russia: UN Sec. Gen. exceeded his authority

Russia: UN Sec. Gen. exceeded his authority

July 9, 2008 - 15:11 AMT  06:27 GMT
The report of the UN Secretary General on the issue was drafted without any support of the UN Security Council.
Iranian Foreign Minister invited Edward Nalbandian to Tehran

Iranian Foreign Minister invited Edward Nalbandian to Tehran

July 9, 2008 - 15:06 AMT  06:27 GMT
Nalbandian: relations between Armenia and Iran are developing successfully.
Russia warns to react to U.S. missile shield in Czechia with military means

Russia warns to react to U.S. missile shield in Czechia with military means

July 9, 2008 - 14:40 AMT  06:27 GMT
Moscow argues that the missile shield would severely undermine the balance of European security.