Kaan Soyak: no talk about opening of Armenian-Turkish border yet

Kaan Soyak: no talk about opening of Armenian-Turkish border yet

September 8, 2008 - 20:33 AMT  02:34 GMT
"Readiness to normalize relations with Armenia can be described as a move toward the EU membership," the TABDC chairman said.
1915 events more important for Turkey than Karabakh, TABDC chairman says

1915 events more important for Turkey than Karabakh, TABDC chairman says

September 8, 2008 - 19:54 AMT  02:34 GMT
"Azerbaijan will never start war against Nagorno Karabakh," Kaan Soyak said.
RF MFA: Lavrov and Mammadyarov didn't discuss OSCE MG replacement

RF MFA: Lavrov and Mammadyarov didn't discuss OSCE MG replacement

September 8, 2008 - 19:33 AMT  02:34 GMT
Azeri media circulated reports that the Russian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers discussed a possibility to replace the OSCE Minsk Group.
Kaan Soyak: U.S. and Russia key players in normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations

Kaan Soyak: U.S. and Russia key players in normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations

September 8, 2008 - 19:20 AMT  02:34 GMT
"I am hopeful that Serzh Sargsyan's visit to Istanbul in 2009 will be another step toward normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations," the TABDC chairman said.
OSCE MG has become a jest, Baku says

OSCE MG has become a jest, Baku says

September 8, 2008 - 18:19 AMT  02:34 GMT
The U.S. has already voiced intention to leave the OSCE Minsk Group to avoid collaborating with Russia.
Europe wants to assume credit for Armenian-Turkish dialog

Europe wants to assume credit for Armenian-Turkish dialog

September 8, 2008 - 17:26 AMT  02:34 GMT
As a matter of fact, the European Union has nothing to do with it. The presidential meeting is the result of pragmatism manifested by the Armenian authorities, Sergei Markedonov said.
U.S. suggests inviting Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to Russia-EU energy summit

U.S. suggests inviting Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to Russia-EU energy summit

September 8, 2008 - 17:11 AMT  02:34 GMT
The Italian Foreign Minister welcomed the suggestion and said he would relay it to France, which holds the EU's rotating presidency.
What price Armenia will be asked to pay for opening of border with Turkey?

What price Armenia will be asked to pay for opening of border with Turkey?

September 8, 2008 - 17:09 AMT  02:34 GMT
Normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations should be considered apart from the Nagorno Karabakh process.
Gul going to mediate between Armenian and Azeri Presidents

Gul going to mediate between Armenian and Azeri Presidents

September 8, 2008 - 17:06 AMT  02:34 GMT
Turkish experts do not rule out that Presidents of Armenia, Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan can meet to discuss the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
French President welcomed political courage of Gul and Sargsyan

French President welcomed political courage of Gul and Sargsyan

September 8, 2008 - 16:45 AMT  02:34 GMT
It allows hope for progress soon in establishing normal relations between Turkey and Armenia, Sarkozy said.