Turkish parliament extends government's authority to conduct operations against PKK in N. Iraq

Turkish parliament extends government's authority to conduct operations against PKK in N. Iraq

October 9, 2008 - 14:03 AMT  06:25 GMT
The decision to extend mandate was taken soon after at least three police officers and one civilian were killed with as many as 20 wounded in an attack on a Diyarbakir police station.
RA President departing for Bishkek for CIS summit

RA President departing for Bishkek for CIS summit

October 9, 2008 - 13:23 AMT  06:25 GMT
Serzh Sarsgyan will also attend a meeting of EurAsEC intergovernmental council.

Georgia is on the verge of partition by "historical borders"

October 7, 2008 - 19:54 AMT  06:25 GMT
As a rule, misinformation is spread with the particular aim of exploring circumstances, shaping a certain public opinion, and if everything goes according to the plan, information proves to be true. Another advantage of misinformation is anonymity, which under certain conditions may turn into an alibi: we never said it and we know nothing… There was an information leak the other day. If we trust Turkish and Azerbaijani informative sources, Baku and Ankara are going to stiffen pressure on Georgia in order to achieve federalization of the country.