Malta's Labor Party representative calls on government to recognize Armenian Genocide

Malta's Labor Party representative calls on government to recognize Armenian Genocide

December 15, 2008 - 13:03 AMT  11:42 GMT
But the government has no intention of tabling a motion to condemn the Armenian Genocide, as proposed by Labor Party spokesperson Noel Farrugia.
Bush ducked a pair of shoes in Baghdad

Bush ducked a pair of shoes in Baghdad

December 15, 2008 - 12:08 AMT  11:42 GMT
Both shoes narrowly missed their target and thumped loudly against the wall behind the leaders.

The Armenian Republic and Diaspora should share one single position

December 13, 2008 - 16:16 AMT  11:42 GMT
There exist only two countries most of whose population live outside their historical homeland. These countries are Israel and Armenia. 2/3 of Armenians and Jews live outside their fatherland, and this fact plays a pernicious role in the countries' development. What the Armenian and Jewish Diasporas have in common is that they both appeared as a result of persecution. The only difference is that if the Jews were exiled from their habitat for 2000 years on end, the Armenian Diaspora was formed comparatively recently - at the beginning of the 20th century. The Armenians' expatriation from Western Armenia reached its peak in 1915 when the Young Turks massacred and deported almost 2 million Armenians. Thus, it was exactly the Armenian Genocide that caused Armenians to disperse all over the world, a fact we have been repeatedly writing and speaking about.