Armenia and world:

Second Lebanon War not far off

The Middle East could once again turn into a burning region, where no agreements remain valid for a term of more than 10-15 years.

August 6, 2010
The Middle East is restless, as usual. By all signs, the second Lebanon war could break out at any moment. Moreover, the initiator will be the Lebanese side, pushed for settling accounts with Israel, Turkey and Syria. It's no news that since its independence on November 22, 1943 Lebanon has not had its independent governing body, and the recent incident on the Lebanese-Israeli border can serve as proof of it.

Hague court ruling: a precedent to be used in Karabakh issue?

July 24-30 overview of political events

July 31, 2010
Hague court verdict on Kosovo independence is a moral and juridical assessment of the situation which may have an influence on Karabakh conflict settlement, according to Orinats Yerkir deputy chairman Mher Shahgeldyan. As he told July 24 news conference in Yerevan, Kosovo precedent consolidates juridical and diplomatic position of Armenian side in peace talks for Karabakh conflict settlement. “The ICJ ruling is legitimate and acceptable to international community. Kosovo verdict gives de jure confirmation of de facto situation with Karabakh, as well as other conflict zones.”

Why do prices grow in Armenia?

The RA Ministry of Agriculture forecasts 3-5% growth by the end of 2010.

July 31, 2010
The RA Ministry of Agriculture hurried to make comforting forecasts with respect to 3-5% growth in Armenia's agriculture by the end of 2010, despite 13.1% drop in it during the first half of 2010. Minister of Agriculture Gerasim Alaverdyan published sad figures conditioned by climatic conditions, what has resulted in a significant decrease in harvest of fruit trees, vegetables, as well as melons and gourds. The harvest of fruit trees totaled 80,000 this year against 161,000t in 2009. The harvest of apricots made 25,000 this year against 85,000t in 2009. Its export amounted to 2,000t in 2010 against 13,000t last year. Around 25-30% of harvest has suffered. Moreover, harvesting has been delayed in Armenia for 25-30 days as a result of frosts, pouring rains and bad pollination.

Gerald Papasian: it took me 9 months to translate Anoush opera text

It’s hard to imagine Anoush in English; it was even harder to stage it on American scene.

July 27, 2010
The phrase “Armen Tigranian’s Anoush opera in English” may puzzle those who’ve ever seen it. However Gerald Papasian’s translation quite fit into the complicated music of Armen Tigranian. Michigan Opera Theatre was the first to feature English version of the opera in 1981.
IT & Telecom:

First stage of IP/MPLS network construction completed in Armenia

Review of July 19-25 events in the field of telecommunications and information technologies.

July 26, 2010
GNC Alfa has completed the first stage of IP/MPLS network construction with 10Gbps network capacity. Networks in Yerevan and 16 Armenian towns have been put into operation. Coverage of 29 towns is envisaged till yearend. GNC-Alfa is a telecommunications network services operator in Armenia. The Company owns a fiber-optic network passing along the Armenia-Iran gas pipeline. GNC-Alfa network, built on technologies of American Juniper Networks, is designed to provide wholesale transport network services to fixed and mobile operators and ISPs, as well as transit services via Armenia.

Arthur Alexanyan wins champion’s title at Junior World Wrestling Championships

Review of July 15-22 sports events.

July 24, 2010
Wrestling: on July 21, Armenia’s Greco-Roman wrestler Arthur Alexanyan (weight class 84kg) won the champion’s title at Junior World Wrestling Championships in Budapest, Hungary. Earlier, Armenia’s Alexan Mikaelyan (weight class 60kg) won bronze.

Karabakh war. The story of a patriot

There is nothing higher than let your enemy know that you can remain a human being even in the battle field.

July 7, 2010
Karabakh war. The story of a patriot
The 1988 events in Sumgait, Azerbaijan, shocked the entire Armenianhood. Dozens of people were slaughtered, majority of them after tortures and severe beatings. Over 200 apartments were robbed and burnt. Thousands of refugees remained homeless. This year changed the lives of many people. 27-year-old Manvel Yeghiazaryan was not an exception…