Levon Tokmajyan becomes honorable citizen of Resistencia

Levon Tokmajyan becomes honorable citizen of Resistencia

August 9, 2010 - 21:18 AMT  14:30 GMT
Meanwhile, Levon Tokmajyan’s son – Vahe Tokmajyan – received the people’s choice award at 2010 Chaco Biennale.

Body of Armenian woman found in Turkey

August 9, 2010 - 18:30 AMT  14:30 GMT
It will be possible to transport to Armenia the body of the 29-year-old Armenian woman, who disappeared in Turkey in mid-July, only upon final completion of the identification procedure.

Lala Mnatsakanyan: actors suffer as result of ignorant work of directors and script writers

August 9, 2010 - 17:00 AMT  14:30 GMT
“Some Armenian serials are financed by people, whose taste is enough only for gangland-style shoot-outs, jargon and violence,” the Honored Actress of Armenia thinks.
RA Ministry of Finance sets August 9-16 prices for precious metals

RA Ministry of Finance sets August 9-16 prices for precious metals

August 9, 2010 - 16:21 AMT  14:30 GMT
On August 9-16, 1gr of gold will be purchased at AMD 12906.83 (+85.23); release price is AMD 14029.16 (+92.64).
Congressman Steve Israel recommits support to issues of importance to Armenian-Americans

Congressman Steve Israel recommits support to issues of importance to Armenian-Americans

August 9, 2010 - 16:03 AMT  14:30 GMT
Congressman Israel has co-sponsored the Armenian Genocide Resolution the past four congressional sessions and plays a large role in increasing U.S. foreign aid to both Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh.

Armenian entrepreneurs are not interested in participation in business forum in Turkey yet

August 9, 2010 - 15:51 AMT  14:30 GMT
Turkey has agreed to invite Armenia to the forum at the request of the Indian side.
General Isık Kosaner appointed as new chief of Turkish General Staff

General Isık Kosaner appointed as new chief of Turkish General Staff

August 9, 2010 - 15:41 AMT  14:30 GMT
The Turkish government and the military reached a deal Sunday night over the appointment of top army chiefs after days of uncertainty in last week’s Supreme Military Council.

Ukraine’s Armenians: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow conference to be held in Simferopol

August 9, 2010 - 15:10 AMT  14:30 GMT
The 3rd international conference will host Ukrainian as well as foreign experts of Armenian Studies.

By arming RA and Azerbaijan, Russia attempts to control regional conflicts

August 9, 2010 - 14:50 AMT  14:30 GMT
Hrant Melik-Shakhnazaryan: Moscow seeks to retain military parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Russia will not fulfill CSTO allied obligations in case of war in Karabakh

August 9, 2010 - 14:05 AMT  14:30 GMT
Hrant Melik-Shakhnazaryan: Moscow will assume a position of a peacemaker, attempting to prove herself as best in this role.