New website on Armenian type design launched

New website on Armenian type design launched

October 15, 2010 - 21:12 AMT  06:35 GMT
Website launch was timed to the Saint Translators Day in Armenia.

Diagnostics is yet to be developed in Armenia

October 15, 2010 - 20:34 AMT  06:35 GMT
“I can characterize Armenian doctors as qualified, well read and well-informed in the sphere of recent achievements in medicine,” Professor Alexey Maschan said.
Levon Ter-Petrossian accuses Armenian authorities of shadow budget

Levon Ter-Petrossian accuses Armenian authorities of shadow budget

October 15, 2010 - 20:29 AMT  06:35 GMT
Armenia’s budget should comprise USD 5-6 billion instead of USD 2,5 billion declared, according to the first Armenian president.

Strength of Syunik region to contribute also to strength of Artsakh

October 15, 2010 - 20:00 AMT  06:35 GMT
“AMD 720mln will be allocated to Syunik region in addition to the funds envisaged under the 2011 state budget,” the head of Syunik region’s administration said.

National Academy of Sciences hosts conference to mark 750th anniversary of mediaeval Armenian miniaturist Momik

October 15, 2010 - 19:51 AMT  06:35 GMT
Armenian Art and Culture in Middles Ages were discussed in conference framework.
President of Artsakh Republic receives Chairman of Union of Armenians of Russia and World Armenian Congress

President of Artsakh Republic receives Chairman of Union of Armenians of Russia and World Armenian Congress

October 15, 2010 - 19:48 AMT  06:35 GMT
Chairman of the Union of Armenians of Russia and the World Armenian Congress Ara Abrahamyan was awarded with Grigor Lousavorich order for exclusive services shown to the Artsakh Republic.
OSCE shares in concern over the deaths of Armenian servicemen on the line of contact

OSCE shares in concern over the deaths of Armenian servicemen on the line of contact

October 15, 2010 - 19:46 AMT  06:35 GMT
Ambassador Kapinos promised to report the situation to OSCE authorities.

CBA publishes tariffs for compulsory vehicle insurance

October 15, 2010 - 19:44 AMT  06:35 GMT
The minimum cost of OSAGO policy for personal cars will make AMD 25,000, while maximum – AMD 77,000.
Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

Weekly digest of foreign currency deals

October 15, 2010 - 19:39 AMT  06:35 GMT
From October 4 to 10, AMD loans granted by banks totaled 14.8bln, while USD loans amounted to 45.8mln.

ANC plans to organize piquet during October 19-21 CoE forum in Yerevan

October 15, 2010 - 19:37 AMT  06:35 GMT
Armenian National Congress (ANC) plans to organize a piquet during October 19-21 CoE forum For the Future of Democracy due in Yerevan, ANC coordinator Levon Zurabyan stated.