Armenia fourth in FIDE federations ranking

Armenia fourth in FIDE federations ranking

February 28, 2011 - 19:39 AMT  12:47 GMT
Armenia has 33 Grand Masters and 19 International Masters.
French actress Annie Girardot dies at 79

French actress Annie Girardot dies at 79

February 28, 2011 - 19:22 AMT  12:47 GMT
The famous French actress died in Paris today, February 28.
Azerbaijan tries to lay the blame for Sumgait pogroms upon Gorbachev and USSR KGB

Azerbaijan tries to lay the blame for Sumgait pogroms upon Gorbachev and USSR KGB

February 28, 2011 - 19:10 AMT  12:47 GMT
Fuad Aleskerov states that the Armenian pogroms in Sumgait were organized by Armenian nationalists.
Beirut hosts liturgy for victims of Sumgait massacres

Beirut hosts liturgy for victims of Sumgait massacres

February 28, 2011 - 18:46 AMT  12:47 GMT
Parliamentarians, guests from NKR, representatives of Lebanon’s Armenian community participated in the event.
Levon Aronian 3rd in FIDE ratings

Levon Aronian 3rd in FIDE ratings

February 28, 2011 - 18:45 AMT  12:47 GMT
Armenia’s Sergei Movsesian, Gabriel Sargissian and Vladimir Akopian are the 29th, 65th and 67th respectively.
Expert: there is no opportunity for rapid resolution of Karabakh conflict

Expert: there is no opportunity for rapid resolution of Karabakh conflict

February 28, 2011 - 18:44 AMT  12:47 GMT
“Despite the bellicose rhetoric, the parties will be have to state that they will continue the peace negotiations,” political analyst Alexander Iskandaryan said.
Vartan Oskanian to decide on his political future soon

Vartan Oskanian to decide on his political future soon

February 28, 2011 - 18:42 AMT  12:47 GMT
The possible participation of the Armenian ex-minister of foreign affairs in the upcoming parliamentary elections will depend on political developments during the next couple of months.
IBM shows interest to Armenia’s IT sector

IBM shows interest to Armenia’s IT sector

February 28, 2011 - 18:27 AMT  12:47 GMT
Bagrat Yengibaryan: IBM views Armenia as partner for future development of products and solutions.
Vartan Oskanian: there are all prerequisites in Armenia for protests like in Arab countries

Vartan Oskanian: there are all prerequisites in Armenia for protests like in Arab countries

February 28, 2011 - 18:25 AMT  12:47 GMT
Armenia, like Arab countries, faces political monopoly, poverty, corruption and unemployment, the RA ex-minister of foreign affairs said.

Ameriabank offers discounts for its new clients in Moskovyan branch

February 28, 2011 - 18:23 AMT  12:47 GMT
Those individuals and legal entities that are not among the bank’s clients, but will become such from March 1 to 31 inclusive can use the discounts.