Political dialogue: in search of compromise

Political dialogue: in search of compromise

June 6, 2011 - 20:27 AMT  14:37 GMT
The opposition Armenian National Congress (ANC) openly announced the start of political dialogue with the authorities during the May 31 rally in Liberty Square. The ANC has already formed the delegation to negotiate with the country’s leadership, mentioning snap elections and the main issue on the agenda. The authorities, on the contrary, insist that they are planning to discuss social and economic problems but by no means any possibility of extraordinary elections.

Employers and job seekers: how to find each other

April 26, 2011 - 14:11 AMT  14:37 GMT
The number of Armenian websites which post job announcements is growing each year. But are they flexible and useful for both employer and employee? PanARMENIAN.Net reporter tried to find the answer to this question.
Almost all museums in Yerevan lack funds and attention

Almost all museums in Yerevan lack funds and attention

March 3, 2011 - 17:11 AMT  14:37 GMT
There are over 30 museums in Yerevan, most of them being under guardianship of the Armenian Ministry of Culture and National Academy of Sciences and almost all of them lacking funds and attention. Low salaries force employees quit.