EDB provides 4 mln loan to Araratbank

EDB provides 4 mln loan to Araratbank

PanARMENIAN.Net - On January 20, loan agreement at USD 4 mln was reached between Araratbank OJSC and Eurasian Development Bank (EDB), the funds to be directed to financing micro and small enterprises. The agreement was concluded by Araratbank CEO Ashot Osipyan and EDB Deputy Chairman Dmitry Zhurba, with Osipyan voicing confidence for the cooperation to continue in the field of financing medium and large businesses.

Araratbank CEO further noted that the loan provided by EDB will be assigned by 12-14 % per annum for a period of 3-5 years.

Mr. Zhurba, in turn noted the bank’s intention to further develop cooperation with Armenia.

5  20.01.12 - Credit agreement between Araratbank and EBRD is signed
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