Protest action against EU-Turkey talks held at EU Yerevan Office today

PanARMENIAN.Net - Today the youth wing of the ARF Dashnaktsutyun has organized an action in front of the EU Yerevan Office to protest against the EU-Turkey's talks scheduled to open on October 3. "Via this action we protest against Turkey's attempt to join Europe. Turkey is a country with bloody hands, a country that perpetrated Genocide. Europe being an embodiment of democratic ideas cannot accept a country like Turkey. The matter concerns not only the Armenian Genocide but the way national minorities are treated there, constant infringement of human and political rights," one of the action initiators stated in a conversation with PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. The action initiators have addressed a letter to the EU member-states and the UK Embassy in Armenia. The letter says in part, "The Armenian Genocide perpetrated in 1915 is the first crime against humanity targeted at elimination of a whole nation, one of the founders of the world civilization. Despite this, the super powers do not pay proper attention to the issue. The 90-th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide is being marked this year. During these 90 years and until now Turkey pursues the policy of denial imposing blockade upon Armenia and holding a biased position on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. National and religious minorities are still treated with scorn in Turkey, constitutional human rights are not observed. Today Turkey with its hands in blood is trying to join the European family. We call upon the EU member-states, in the name of democracy, peoples and human rights not to open negotiations with Turkey, for this country has not acknowledged the Armenian Genocide yet and keeps on using violence against the national minorities. The accession of today's Turkey to the European Union will undermine the authority of the organization in the opinion of peoples throughout the globe."
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