“Ghostbusters” sequel is happening at Sony

“Ghostbusters” sequel is happening at Sony

PanARMENIAN.Net - "Ghostbusters (2016)" may not be able to scare Universal's "The Secret Life of Pets" by coming in second place at the North America box office in its first weekend. However, it's the highest grossing live-action comedy in over a year with an estimated $46 million (topping "Ted 2" which opened with 33.5 million in July 2015). It also doesn't stop Sony from developing a "Ghosbusters" sequel, AceShobiz said.

President of Worldwide Distribution at Sony Rory Bruer declared that a sequel would happen, even though it wasn't an official announcement. He told TheWrap, "The 'Ghostbusters' world is alive and well." Bruer continued, "I expect 'Ghostbusters' to become an important brand and franchise. While nothing has been officially announced yet, there's no doubt in my mind it will happen."

"Ghostbusters" makes its long-awaited return, remade with a cast of new characters. The 2016 reboot takes place thirty years after the original took the world by storm. Director Paul Feig combines all the paranormal fighting elements that made the original film, joined by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones and Chris Hemsworth.

"Ghostbusters" is currently in theaters. Feig directed the film from a script he co-wrote with Katie Dippold. The cast members of the original film, including Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver and more, are featured as cameos in the the 2016 film.

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