Gender pay gap in Armenia’s creative industries at 34%, says study

Gender pay gap in Armenia’s creative industries at 34%, says study

PanARMENIAN.Net - In Armenia the average salary of women is lower than that of men by 34%, and the income gap is even broader and reaches 40%, a new report summarising a study by the British Council reveals.

Titled “Gender equality and empowerment of women and men in cultural and creative industries”, the study tackles gender equality in four Eastern Neighbourhood countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine).

In total, around 500 men and women were interviewed to understand why women in some industries get lower salaries, why it is necessary to defy stereotypes even if they are not very noticeable and why men in some countries are fearful of taking up certain professions.

According to the information unveiled at the HeForShe conference in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, 58% of labor market participants are women with higher or vocational education, while the same indicator for men is 45%.

In Armenia women also represent a larger share of the registered unemployed and tend to spend longer time searching for work.

The research cites the statistical yearbook by NSS of Armenia to reveal that, in 2016 the salary gap between women and men was 9,6% in the Arts, Entertainment and Recreation. At the same time the same indicator for the remuneration in the Information and Communication was 38,4%.

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