Stars suggest possible Mamma Mia 3 could focus on Cher's story

Stars suggest possible Mamma Mia 3 could focus on Cher's story

PanARMENIAN.Net - Mamma Mia 3 could be a real possibility if the cast have their way. Following the huge success of the Mamma Mia! sequel, Here We Go Again, the stars sat down with Digital Spy in the stunning Greek Island of Skopelos to reveal their ideas for another film.

"Jeremy Kyle paternity test," said Hugh Skinner, who plays a young Harry Bright.

Jeremy Irvine, who plays a young Sam Carmichael in the movie, added that he's on board with the DNA test idea for another film.

"With a huge build-up, like an hour-and-a-half build-up," he said. "A whole chat show, studio audience, who knows, maybe surprise guests?"

Josh Dylan, who plays a young Bill Anderson also suggested the goat that terrorises Donna during 'The Name of the Game' could be a good guest.

"[The goat] might have seen whatever happened," Jeremy agreed. "I'd definitely like Jeremy Kyle to consider it if he would."

"I think this is a platform for Cher's story to shine," Young Tanya star Jessica Keenan Wynn added.

Lily James, who plays a young version of Meryl Streep's character Donna Sheridan in flashbacks, continued: "A young Ruby, so Cher meeting Señor Cienfuegos [Andy Garcia].

"You hear they met in Central America and she had her heart broken so you can see their romance. We've figured out he's probably Donna's dad. I think they have to go there."

She joked: "Amanda [Seyfried] is going to be doing this every 10 years for the rest of her life!"

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