New stamp celebrates Silva Kaputikyan's 100th anniversary

New stamp celebrates Silva Kaputikyan's 100th anniversary

PanARMENIAN.Net - A postage stamp dedicated to the theme “Prominent Armenians. 100th anniversary of Silva Kaputikyan” was cancelled and put into circulation by HayPost CJSC on Tuesday, January 22 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the great Armenian poetess.

With a nominal value of AMD 120, the stamp was designed by David Dovlatyan and printed in Cartor house in France with a print-run of 30 000 pcs.

The stamp depicts the famous Armenian writer, poetess and public figure Silva Kaputikyan while working on one of her pieces.

The postage stamp was cancelled by the Deputy Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies Armen Arzumanyan, the Chairman of the Board of HayPost CJSC Juan Pablo Gechidjian, the Chairman of Writers’ Union of Armenia Edward Militonyan, the President of the Union of Philatelists Hovik Musayelyan.

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