French National Assembly ratifies CEPA between Armenia and EU

French National Assembly ratifies CEPA between Armenia and EU

PanARMENIAN.Net - The French National Assembly has ratified the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement signed between Armenia and the European Union in November 2017.

“Armenia warmly welcomes the adoption by the National Assembly of France of a draft law authorizing the ratification of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia,” Armenian ambassador to Paris Hasmik Tolmajian said in a tweet.

The agreement will enter into force once all the 28 members of the EU ratify it.

The European Parliament, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Germany, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Romania, Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Malta, as well as the Cypriot parliament have so far ratified the CEPA.

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