Artsakh: 2019 saw the lowest ceasefire violation rate since 2010

Artsakh: 2019 saw the lowest ceasefire violation rate since 2010

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) Defense Ministry has issued a statement describing the situation on the line of contact with Azerbaijan as “relatively stable” in 2019.

The Karabakh military maintained that the frequency and intensity of ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan was the lowest since 2010.

“As a result of daily large-scale engineering work and the equipment of the frontline with video-surveillance devices, not only has the safety of active-duty personnel been increased, but the likelihood of attempts of subversive attacks by the Azerbaijani army has been virtually eliminated,” the Artsakh military said.

According to the Defense Army, a total 9000 ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan were registered throughout 2019, with more than 85,000 shots fired in the reporting period.

The Azeri troops used various-caliber firearms, as well a 60-mm mortar and a grenade launcher.

"Although 2019 marked the 25th anniversary of the ceasefire agreement, the OSCE Minsk Group (a group of ambassadors from Russia, France and the United States, tasked to help the sides reach a peaceful settlement – Ed.) did not manage to make progress, because not only did Baku continue to reject basic principles of conflict settlement, but it also ignored the confidence-building measures aimed at strengthening the ceasefire," the statement reads.

The Artsakh Defense Ministry, however, pledged to continue ensuring the security and peaceful existence of the people of Artsakh.

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