First inmate dies from Covid-19 in Armenia, says Justice Minister

First inmate dies from Covid-19 in Armenia, says Justice Minister

PanARMENIAN.Net - An inmate has died from Covid-19 in Armenia for the first time since the outbreak of the virus almost two years ago, Justice Minister Karen Andreasyan said in parliament on Thursday, November

"I have to say with regret that today we have the first death in a penitentiary due to Сovid. The matter is being clarified now, but I was informed that the death was due to Covid," Andreasyan said.

"We are now discussing urgent measures to at least temporarily restrict certain movements to ensure the health of those being held in our prisons in these difficult epidemic conditions."

According to the Justice Minister, the authorities are also considering systemic approaches that should be used in 2022 to tackle the problem.

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in Armenia grew by 2045 to reach 312,674 on November 3. So far, 273,608 people have recovered, 6491 have died from the coronavirus in the country, while 1312 others carrying the virus have died from other causes.

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