U.S. willing to engage bilaterally with Armenia, Azerbaijan

U.S. willing to engage bilaterally with Armenia, Azerbaijan

PanARMENIAN.Net - The United States is willing to engage bilaterally with Armenia and Azerbaijan to help the countries find a long-term, comprehensive peace in the region, Spokesperson for the Department of State Ned Price told a briefing Tuesday, July 26.

"We've been able to achieve what we think is a degree of progress, and through continued engagements and diplomatic conversations with our Armenian, with our Azerbaijani partners in this case, we think we can continue that momentum," Price said.

"So the Secretary obviously has had a number of calls with the Armenian and Azerbaijani leadership, but there are a number of people, senior officials in this building who have engaged with their counterparts at all levels to continue this momentum and to continue to offer our assistance in the issues as we seek a long-term, comprehensive peace."

Price said the United States stands ready to assist these two countries and our likeminded partners in whichever way, whichever format is most effective.

"We have been a co-chair of the Minsk Group since 1994, but as we’ve demonstrated, we’re also willing to engage bilaterally with the countries to help Armenia and Azerbaijan find that long-term, comprehensive peace," the diplomat added.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken earlier spoke to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and urged him to release all remaining Armenian prisoners of war.

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