Borrell: EU has called on Baku to ensure freedom of movement along Lachin corridor

Borrell: EU has called on Baku to ensure freedom of movement along Lachin corridor

PanARMENIAN.Net - High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has said that the EU has called on Azerbaijan to take measures within its jurisdiction to ensure the freedom and security of traffic along the Lachin corridor.

Borrell made the remarks in response to a written question from MEP Dimitris Papadakis, a member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, regarding the humanitarian crisis created in Nagorno-Karabakh due to Azerbaijan’s blockade of the Lachin corridor by.

Since December 12, the sole road connecting Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia - the Lachin Corridor - has been blocked by self-described Azerbaijani environmentalists. Karabakh residents have reported food and fuel shortages, while hospital patients don't have access to essential medicines, with only a handful allowed transfer to facilities in Armenia proper.

Borrell noted that since the beginning of December 2022, the EU is closely monitoring the situation around the Lachine corridor and that the bloc is still seriously concerned about the continuous restrictions on free movement and the supply of vital goods, which cause serious problems for the local population.

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