Lukashenko warns Pashinyan against rash steps towards disintegration

Lukashenko warns Pashinyan against rash steps towards disintegration

PanARMENIAN.Net - President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has suggested that Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan not make hasty decisions, press secretary of the head of Belarus Natallia Eismant told RIA Novosti on Tuesday, November 14.

Pashinyan told Lukashenko earlier informed in a telephone conversation with President Lukashenko that he would not be able to take part in a key CSTO summit in Minsk on November 23, the press service of the Armenian government reported earlier on Tuesday.

“The President of Belarus reacted calmly to the refusal of the Prime Minister of Armenia to attend the summit, well aware that this is the business of the leader of any state,” Eismant noted.

The press secretary explained that “the invitation was extended to the Prime Minister of Armenia in the same way as to other heads of state.” “The President of Russia, for example, also got the invitation during a recent telephone conversation. He accepted the invitation,” the press secretary noted.

“And based on his experience and the actions of some other well-known politicians in similar situations, the President (Lukashenko - Ed.) suggested that the Prime Minister of Armenia not rush, not make hasty decisions, but seriously consider his next steps that could be aimed at disintegration,” Eismant added.

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