Ruling MP accuses opposition of “serving other countries' interests”

Ruling MP accuses opposition of “serving other countries' interests”

PanARMENIAN.Net - Lawmaker from the ruling Civil Contract party Khachatur Sukiasyan has accused Armenia’s opposition of serving the interests of other countries.

“The Republic of Armenia must be a strong, independent country. Considering the information we have, we get the impression that our partners and many citizens of Armenia serve other states. Some serve under contractual relations, some do without realizing it, listening to their friends,” Sukiasyan said.

According to him, the country's former leaders had a "very bad" attitude towards those who had connections with other countries.

“Either these people ended up in prison, or died, or lost their property. And now I’m telling you: if you don’t know your limits and interfere with the development of the Republic of Armenia, you will get the same tools. The tools that you used will be used against you,” Sukiasyan said.

In addition, he accused the opposition of hurting the displaced people of Nagorno-Karabakh by inviting them to their rally.

“They receive benefits and houses thanks to the citizens and businessmen of Armenia. And so far they have no financial problems,” Sukiasyan said.

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