SBP instant transfers now available from 190 Russian banks to Armenia

SBP instant transfers now available from 190 Russian banks to Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - For the first time in Armenia, it is now possible to receive instant money transfers via SBP to easywallet accounts from 190 Russian banks—Tinkoff, Sberbank, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Alfa-Bank, and many more. Transfers are made with a 0% commission.

To receive money from Russian banks, easywallet users need to go to their easywallet accounts. From the home page, they should select the 'Refill Account' (+) button, choose SBP, enter the desired amount, and click 'Refill.' Finally, users need to select one of the available methods to share the request link with an SBP user.

As a result, the SBP user will receive the transfer request. By following the link, they will be able to choose their bank from the given list and make the transfer through their mobile banking app.

easywallet users will immediately see the transferred amount in their account. They will be able to transfer it to their card or use it directly in the app to pay for 1000+ services.

To receive transfers from 190 banks, it is necessary to download easywallet, register and pass verification, attach a bank card or open a free bank account right in the app.

Transfers are carried out within the framework of cooperation with the non-bank credit organization "Moneta" LLC. EasyPay LLC is supervised by the CBA.

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