Moscow says ready to support Yerevan-Baku reconciliation

Moscow says ready to support Yerevan-Baku reconciliation

PanARMENIAN.Net - Moscow has confirmed its readiness to support the reconciliation of Yerevan and Baku.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Mikhail Galuzin said in an interview with TASS that Moscow positively assesses the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ararat Mirzoyan and Jeyhun Bayramov, held in Kazakhstan on May 10-11 to develop a peace treaty.

“It gave the parties the opportunity to move forward on the path to peace and stability in the South Caucasus. Another important step has been taken in this direction,” Galuzin said.

“Moscow has already hosted rounds of peace negotiations between Baku twice - in May and July 2023 and Yerevan. We are ready to continue to provide full support for the reconciliation of the two fraternal peoples of Russia, to promote the search for mutually acceptable and balanced solutions in order to ensure the security and prosperity of all countries in the region.”

The diplomat also appreciated the role of Astana, which provided a platform for Armenian-Azerbaijani contacts.

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