EU, EAEU are incompatible, Russia tells Armenia

EU, EAEU are incompatible, Russia tells Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net - The European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union are incompatible, and the arrival of extra-regional players in Armenia “will have consequences,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk said during the X Annual International Forum Primakov Readings.

According to him, the political vector of Armenia is increasingly leaning towards the West.

“There is a well-known half-joke that Nikol Vovaevich (Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan - Ed.) made in one of his interviews. Answering the question about when he would join the EU if he had the opportunity to choose for himself, Pashinyan jokingly said “this [year]”, Overchuk said.

He also pointed out certain grievances in Armenian society towards Russia.

“There is such a point of view, and this needs to be understood. But you also need to understand that the EU and the EAEU are incompatible. The benefits that a country receives from proximity to Russia must be perceived as the price we pay for our security and strategic depth. Therefore, the arrival of some extra-regional players there will, of course, have consequences. We don't do gifts here. We are interested in a stable Armenia, good trade relations, good fraternal relations,” Overchuk said.

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