Berlin protest demands release of Armenian POWs

Berlin protest demands release of Armenian POWs

PanARMENIAN.Net - The Armenian community in Berlin gathered near the Brandenburg Gate for a protest, demanding that Azerbaijan immediately release imprisoned Armenians. Participants emphasized that Armenian hostages are being sentenced in Baku solely because of their ethnicity.

The #FreeArmenianHostages protest aimed to draw attention to Azerbaijan’s unlawful trials and urge the international community to take decisive action, reported Aravot.

Human rights organizations, activists, and concerned citizens took part in the demonstration. The Central Council of Armenians in Germany (ZAD), the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV), Theophanu Club Germany, Working Group Recognition – Against Genocide, for International Understanding e.V., and IGFM Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte e.V. called for immediate measures against Azerbaijan’s ongoing human rights violations.

ZAD President Jonathan Spangenberg, addressing the demonstrators, stressed that Azerbaijan is using Armenian political prisoners as bargaining tools in negotiations.

“The detainees, including Ruben Vardanyan, are held in inhumane conditions, with reports of torture and mistreatment. Vardanyan is currently on a hunger strike, and his life is in serious danger. We cannot remain silent,” Spangenberg declared.

Protesters stated that Azerbaijan’s actions violate international law, specifically the UN Convention on Genocide and the European Convention on Human Rights.

The demonstrators urged the EU, Germany, and France to take the following actions:

  • Sanctions against Azerbaijani officials responsible for the illegal detention and torture of Armenian prisoners.
  • International monitoring of prison conditions, allowing the UN Committee Against Torture and the International Red Cross to assess the detainees' situation.
  • The immediate and unconditional release of Armenian hostages.
  • Protection of Armenian cultural heritage, ensuring investigations into and prevention of the destruction of religious and historical sites in occupied Artsakh.
  • Safe return of displaced Armenians with international mechanisms in place.

Protesters strongly criticized European inaction, while Spangenberg reminded that Germany bears historical responsibility for genocide prevention. He also condemned Chancellor Olaf Scholz for failing to take firm action against Azerbaijan, demanding that Germany officially refer Ilham Aliyev to the International Criminal Court.

This demonstration follows diplomatic appeals to the European Commission and the French government, but international responses have so far been insufficient.

A coalition of human rights organizations plans further protests across Europe and is preparing an official petition to the European Parliament, calling for sanctions against Azerbaijan.

“The world must not turn a blind eye to Azerbaijan’s crimes. The time for words is over; we need real action now,” stated Sarah Reinken, GfbV’s human rights director.

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