Ramkavar Azatakan Party of Armenia demands RA FM resignation

PanARMENIAN.Net - Ramkavar Azatakan Party of Armenia expressed its concern over MG OSCE Co-Chairs' statement on NKR conflict settlement and assessed mediators' actions as ignoring of Armenia's interests.

In its statement, the party emphasized that RA political elite failed to answer the question as to who and which laws could delegate the right to sign crucial documents on behalf of NKR and its people.

The party stressed that while supporting improvement of relations with neighboring countries, it is against Armenian authorities' policy on Armenian-Turkish rapprochement.

Ramkavar Azatakan stated that the situation with Armenian-Turkish relations reminds of secret deal, directed Against Armenian nation's interests. In connection with arguments above, Ramkavar Azatakan Party of Armenia demands RA Foreign Minister's resignation, the statement specified.
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