Moody's not changed ratings of Armeconombank's rationgs for financial strength and long-term deposits

PanARMENIAN.Net - Moody's Investors Service international rating company has left unchanged financial strength rating «D-» and long-term deposits in drams and foreign currency "Ba3" rating assigned Armeconombank, press service of the bank reported.

Despite the negative impact of the global financial crisis on the Armenia's economy, Moody's Investors Service for the second consecutive year left unchanged ratings of "Armeconombank".

Over the third quarter of 2009, Armeconombank's assets increased by 15.5 per cent and reached AMD 53 billion, credit investments grew by AMD 3.3 billion to AMD 29 billion, demand deposits increades by AMD 1.5 billion, deposits of legal entities - by AMD 1.2 billion, deposits of physical persons - by 9.2 per cent. Net profit of Armeconombank in the third quarter of 2009 amounted to AMD 300 million.

As of November 23 the total capital of the bank exceeds AMD 8.6 billion. The bank has 35 branches in the territory of Armenia and Karabakh.
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