CCAF condemns the lie of Georgia's Foreign Minister during the case of Javahk activist Vahagn Chakhalyan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Coordination Committee of Armenian Organizations in France (CCAF) issued a statement, condemning the lie of Georgia's Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze with regards to Javahk politician Vahagn Chakhalyan, Yerkir Union reported to PanARMENIAN.Net

"CCAF condemns the outrageous lie Georgia's Foreign Minister Grigol Vashadze uttered in the presence of French National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee members on November 25, 2009. When replying the question of French parliamentarian François Rochebloine on Vahagn Chakhalyan case, Georgia's Foreign Minister lied about the reasons for his conviction and fairness of legal case conducted.

The council demands Georgian authorities to immediately liberate Vahagn Chakhalyan, rehabilitating his rights and urges the Eurocomissioner for human rights protection and PACE to send a mission to Georgia to monitor the implementation of European Convention on Human Rights.
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