Transport and construction works create major noise in Yerevan

PanARMENIAN.Net - Representative of Arevordi ecological NGO Tamara Galstyan said that noise level above 100 decibels causes such a condition, which is close to alcoholic intoxication. High level of noise may cause stresses, as well as result in degradation of auditory organs, Galstyan told a press conference on July 10.

However, she added that the noise level has not been measured in Yerevan

“We need to develop a new law on noise to include various aspects of noise control in a city,” noted head of the Scientific and Research Center for Study of Ecological Right Aida Iskoyan.

She added that the society should also be involved in drafting the bill, as the law on noise interlaces with human rights restriction.

For his part, Senior Specialist of the Judicial Support Department of the RA Ministry of Healthcare Perch Khachatryan said that they regularly receive complaints of citizens, who are annoyed with noise, but do not know to which body they should apply. “We react to all complaints,” said Khachatryan.

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