Armenian society lacks distinction between violence and upbringing of children

Armenian society lacks distinction between violence and upbringing of children

PanARMENIAN.Net - Expert of the European Commission on children’s rights protection Anahit Sahakyan said that any child should be aware of his rights not to be subjected to violence by adults.

There are several types of violence towards children – physical, psychological and sexual, Anahit Sahakyan told a press conference. According to the expert, indifference is also among types of violence.

According to Sahakyan, children usually conceal acts of cruelty towards them. “Our work is aimed at revealing similar cases. If violence takes place at home, various measures are applied towards parents, up to deprival of parental rights,” the expert said.

She noted that children are subjected to violence both in wealthy and socially needy families.

“The Armenian society often lacks distinction between violence and upbringing of children,” the expert said.

Sahakyan added that programs on children’s rights protection successfully operate in Armenia, specifically, in Yerevan, Syunik and Lori provinces.

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