Terrorist organizations acting in Azerbaijan are trying to pretend to be advocates of Islam.

A trial of the case against hijackers of Azerbaijan’s branch of the “Hisbut-Tahrir” international terrorist organization has started in Baku. We recall that 6 Azerbaijani citizens are being accused of an attempt to overthrow the state regime and to prepare terrorist acts using firearms. “Turan” agency of Baku informs that they are particularly accused of preparation of the terrorist acts against the U.S. Embassy and offices of international organizations in Baku. According to investigation materials, the members of the group, the center of which is in Palestine, under the pretence of religious propaganda were intending to change the political system of Azerbaijan and to create an Islamic state there.
PanARMENIAN.Net - We recall that members of the “Hisbut-Tahrir” were arrested in July 2001 and their arrest was initiated by the American special services. The terrorists were revealed to have big reserves of arms. Only 6 of them were accused, while as is well known, the organization has a wide network in Azerbaijan and includes about 100 members. The six accused are “marionettes”. As far as the head of the group, Abdulrasul Abduragimov is concerned, he is free up to now.

The “Hisbut-Tahrir” is not the single terrorist organization in Azerbaijan. According to “Sobitiya” Baku newspaper, there are several ultra-extremist organizations in the Northern regions of the country engaged in “forcible implantation of Islamic ideas” which intend to launch a jihad “in order to create their own state-political system as a basis for the future “caliphate” of transnational syndicates of drug mafia”. The “Jihad”, “Ihvanul Muslimin” and “Gutbiye” organizations are among them, the newspaper reads.

But the “Jeyshullah” terrorist organization is the most scandalous one. According to the U.S. Department of State press secretary Philippe Riker, the U.S. Foreign Ministry has included it in the list of 39 most dangerous extremist groups of the world. In early December 2001, the emissaries of this organization were sent out from the USA to Azerbaijan, their Motherland. “Jeyshullah” also intends to change the state system of Azerbaijan and to create an Islamic state there. According to “Echo” newspaper of Baku, “Jeyshullah”‘s hijackers have committed several terrorist acts, among which the murder of the well-known extrasensory Etibar Erkin. In November 2001 the young members of “Jeyshullah” desecrated the Jewish graveyard, destroying about 50 graves in Baku. It has been proved that the members of the group have been preparing the explosion of the U.S. Embassy’s building in Baku. It is also well known that “Jeyshullah” leaders have close relations with analogical organizations acting in other Islamic countries, particularly with the notorious Al Qaida. According to Baku press, “Jeyshullah” has constructed several blindages in the Northern part of the country in order to train terrorists.

Besides the main radical extremist groups of Azerbaijan, cells of several international organizations are also functioning there. There are enough proofs of this fact. During the trial against the organizers of explosions of the U.S. Embassy in Kenya, a citizen of Egypt, Ibrahim Eydaruz has admitted that in September 1997 he was heading the cell of the “Islamic Jihad” in Baku. In autumn 2000 the American special services arrested in Baku the head of the military operations department of that organization, Ahmed Salam Mabruk, who was accused of participation in the terrorist act in Nairobi. A bit later the CIS agents caught in Azerbaijan two other members of the group, Isam Hafis Mabruk and Yasir el-Sirri. It has been fixed that it was from Baku that the fax ordering the explosion of the American Embassy in Kenya was sent. In the period from 1996 to 1998 the terrorist-number-one, Osama Bin Laden, has 60 (!) times spoken by phone with his local representatives in Baku. In the investigation materials of Nairobi case there were testimonies about a secret correspondence sent to Baku by the organizers of the terrorist act.

There are also latest news about the attacks against Pentagon and World Trade Center. Late in October, after an inquiry made by special services of Egypt, a member of a terrorist group suspected for participation in organization of attacks in New York and Washington was arrested in Baku. It should be added that according to “Daily Telegraph” British newspaper, which quotes the testimonies of the personal cooker of Bin Laden, Mohammad Akrami, after the fall of the military base in Tora-Bora, Bin Laden moved to the North of Iran populated with Azeris, from where he left for Azerbaijan and later moved to Chechnya. Judging from the fact that the terrorist-number-one was hosted in Azerbaijan, it can be guessed that he has his mates in Baku now. And they are rather well organized, taking into account the fact that his being in Azerbaijan remained unnoticed by Azerbaijan’s special services.

So, it is obvious that the concern voiced in Azerbaijan about the possibility of an anti-terror operation against Azerbaijan by the USA is not in vain. (The “Olaylar” Baku news agency has voiced such a concern recently). The show trial carried out in Baku against the 6 “scapegoats” will hardly make this danger less serious.
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