Even Baku does not believe in frankness of his confessions.

Heydar Aliyev’s “revelations” about the content of “the Parisian principles” were not taken in all good faith both in Yerevan and Baku. Baku politicians and political scientists took the Azeri leader’s attempts to convince the public that Robert Kocharian was ready to exchange Meghri for Lachin with unconcealed distrust. E.g. famous conflictologist Arif Yunusov, who is the husband of known right defender Leyla Yunusova, is convinced that Aliyev is trying to give out the desired for the real. “Saying that the Lachin and Meghri corridors were equal subjects, Aliyev is really cunning. Armenia will never give Azerbaijan the lot of territory bordering with Iran,” – the expert states.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Let us remind that in Robert Kocharian’s words, the corridor through Meghri was not discussed either in Paris, or in Key West. The question of the Karabakh party’s sovereignty over the corridor connecting NKR with Armenia was discussed. In relation to Meghri, “exclusively access to communications” was the point. The version seems much more plausible to Yunusov. The conflictologist’s assurance is based both on objective analysis of the present situation and the data received “from sources close to the participants of the negotiations.” The information from the same sources let Yunusov suppose that divulging of his own version of “the Parisian principles” by Aliyev means beginning the preparation of the Azeri society to the settlement version agreed upon by the two Presidents in the French capital. Creation of the so-called “common state” is the point.

Listing the attributes of the independent state, which the Nagorno Karabakh Republic will be provided with (according to Yunusov’s information, the Armenian part of the confederation will be called that way), the expert is disturbed only with one circumstance. “If up to now the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh did not have a legal reason to withdraw from Azerbaijan, after forming the common state they will get such a right,” – Arif Yunusov states. The conclusion at which he arrives is unambiguous – “such settlement version is dangerous for Azerbaijan.”

Commenting on the present situation “Zerkalo” Baku newspaper writes that Aliyev’s statement, aiming at discrediting Robert Kocharian and “provoking a process of overthrow” from the post of the state head may work against the Azeri President himself. Aliyev’s words about the existence of Parisian principles and the opportunity of passing Lachin corridor to the sovereign control of Armenia met a hostile reception by almost all oppositionist forces of the country,” – the newspaper writes, noting that “such statements may rouse confusion within the ruling elite itself.” Thus, having accused Kocharian of deviation from the Parisian principles, Aliyev dug a hole for himself.
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