Ramil Safarov Became a Recidivist

The assassin of Armenian officer will undergo trial for another crime.

Hearing of the new crime, committed by Azeri officer Ramil Safarov, accused of murdering Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan, will start on January 17 in Budapest. This time the murderer will be tried for attacking jail guard and can be imprisoned for two years.
PanARMENIAN.Net - Ramil Safarov attacked the guard last year in November. The guard's colleagues who ran in for help, managed to neutralize the criminal with great difficulty. The murderer cried that he was not obliged to carry out the orders of guards, since they held lower ranks. Ramil Safarov is accused of attacking jail guards and insubordination. If his guilt is proved, according to Hungarian laws the period of imprisonment will be added to the primary imprisonment period for the murder of Armenian officer. The defendant will probably bring a counter-claim, trying to prove that the guards beat him. In investigation materials there is a record about physical injuries. The thing is that force has really been applied against the prisoner, but it was absolutely adequate to the situation. In cases of resistance, such actions are fully allowable.
This case has once again proved, that we are dealing with a malicious recidivist. A verdict, other than life imprisonment can bear danger for the society, since there are no guarantees that after 13 or 16 years of imprisonment, the criminal will change. This is another argument in favor of the idea that the verdict for the primary case has to be maximally severe.

Meanwhile, Baku is trying to find a totally different accent in the situation. The head of criminalistics and legal expertise chair of Baku State University Kamil Salimov has announced to mass media that the incident in the jail can serve as an argument in favor of the fact that Safarov has become aggressive, as a result of psychological disorder. "For professionals it is obvious that Safarov's behavior can at times be impetuous. People with such mental disorders are kept in a special regime, which demands medical psychiatric help, taking into account their difficult mental condition." says the criminalist. Thus, Salimov leads to the conclusion that the court should refuse from announcing damning verdict and appoint compulsory treatment. However it should be noted that the results of the second and third examinations of Safarov's psychological condition confirm that he is a mentally healthy person. This is why Salimov's hints at Safarov's "madness" look absolutely unconvincing.

At the same time, it looks like the killer's defenders, disappointed with the judge's decision made at the fourth sitting, have already accepted that the damning verdict is inevitable. Now they only rip off money for the legend about Ramil Safarov. Recently, in the interview to Baku journalists, Safarov's advocate Adil Ismailov complained about the shortage of funds for organizing defense. He said that there is no money even for the ticket to Budapest, not to mention about funds for "special measures". In short, the advocate made it clear that if he were not paid in addition, he would not use his contacts in Budapest, which would add two more years to Safarov's imprisonment period. This provoked the indignation of Safarov's parents. The murderer's mother - Nyubar Safarova says that Ismailov deliberately exaggerates in order to rip off more money.

Here one can ask the following question: where are those huge sums of money which were collected on the account of "Ramil Safarov's support fund", created in Baku yet at the beginning of last year? Baku press has let out that after a couple of weeks since the opening of the account, there were already 100.000 dollars on the balance. It is not known how much money was collected during the following weeks and months because after the warnings from competent organs, Azeri papers stopped publishing concrete figures. Taking into account the biased appraisals contained in the last two judicial-psychiatric examinations and unofficial relations between advocate Ismailov and the authors of examinations, it is easy to guess why the fund has run short of money so quickly.
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