PanARMENIAN.Net - YEREVAN, February 16. /Mediamax/. On February 15 the deputies of the National Assembly of NKR spoke with a statement in connection with the trial of the case of the terrorist act against NKR president and the reaction of several deputies of the Armenian parliament, the correspondent of Mediamax reported from Stepanakert.

The statement says that understanding the anxiety of their colleagues in the Armenian National Assembly, who signed under the address to NKR president Arkady Ghukasian, the Karabakhi parliamentarians call on to abstain till the end of the trial from making any assessments and conclusions, which may politicize the court. The deputies of NKR parliament expressed their regret that many of their colleagues from the Armenian National Assembly, completely unfamiliar with the situation, joined the petition from the sense of deputy solidarity.

It is inadmissible, the deputies note, when the terrorist acts perpetrated in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh become a subject of political speculation for private persons and circles.

"On March 22 a terrorist act was realized against the statehood of NKR, and the guilty, beyond any doubt, must be punished appropriately," the deputies of NKR National Assembly think. "The trial proceeds in an open, public manner and any attempt to put under doubt its legality and objectivity is inadmissible."

The deputies voiced their hope that by the passed sentence none of the guilty will escape the punishment and no one will be convicted guiltlessly. They noted at the same time that people also expect the disclosing of all the crimes, including the economic ones, committed these past years in Nagorno Karabakh. -0-

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