Venue of Armenia-Azerbaijan Football Match May Be Decided in May

PanARMENIAN.Net - In the words of Secretary General of the Football Federation of Azerbaijan Fuad Asadov, the UEFA is going to form a commission for studying the issue of holding elimination matches of Euro-2008 between national teams of Armenia and Azerbaijan. UEFA Vice-President Per Ravn Omdal, UEFA Deputy Secretary General Mark Schtruder and UEFA Executive Committee representative Mathieu Sprengers will be included in the commission. They will pay visits to Yerevan and Baku in May, based on which the final decision on the venue will be made. According to the UEFA regulations, national teams have to play home matches in the territory of their country. However, the UEFA may take into account the tense relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and may allow the teams to play in a neutral field as an exception.
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